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Media Economics

Features of business models and dynamics of the financial state of British quality publications in 2016-2020

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Filatkina G., Kireeva P. Features of business models and dynamics of the financial state of British quality publications in 2016-2020 // Mediascope, 2022. 2. Available at:


© Gelia S. Filatkina

Modern Development of Business Models of Russian Online Video Providers

Научные исследования: 


For citation: El-Bakri T.V. Modern Development of Business Models of Russian Online Video Providers // Mediascope, 2021. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2021.6


© Tatiana V. El-Bakri

On the Issue of Remuneration in the Sphere of Soviet Print Media during the Period of the New Economic Policy (by the Archive Data from Russian State Archive of Socio-Political History)

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Media Consumption as a Key to New Digital Strategies in Media

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On Budgeting of the Soviet Press in the New Economic Policy Period

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For citation: Babyuk M.I. (2016) K voprosu o byudzhetnykh kharakteristikakh sovetskoy pechati perioda NEPa [On Budgeting of the Soviet Press in the New Economic Policy Period]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:

Foreign Media Companies on Russia’s Print Media Market in 1987−2014: Developmental Tendencies

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Статистика медиаиндустрии России: проблемы отраслевой идентификации и учета

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Statistics on Russian media industry: problems of identification and statistical analysis within the industry

Индустрия социальных медиа: возможности и сложности создания (на примере США)

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Social Media Industry: Potentials and Elaborations of Formation (US Cases)

Регулярный менеджмент: к вопросу о содержании термина

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Regular management: meaning of the term


Рынок деловых СМИ как фактор модернизации современной России

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The market of business press as a modernization factor of contemporary Russia


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