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Print Media

Hyperlocality as an essential feature of internal corporate media

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Yudina E.Hyperlocality as an essential feature of internal corporate media // Mediascope. 2023.2. Available at:


Evgeniya Yu. Yudina

Dynamics of newsbreaks in media presentation of the problem of social orphanhood in 1990-2010

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Nurilova P. Dynamics of newsbreaks in media presentation of the problem of social orphanhood in 1990-2010. // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:


© Polina V. Nurilova

Russian children’s magazines as a factor of the young generation’s socialization in the digital media space

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Makarenko E. Russian children`s magazines as a factor of the younger generation`s socialization in the digital media space // Mediascope. 2021. 3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2021.2


© Ekaterina Yu. Makarenko

The role of the press in shaping the media image of China (Based on Materials of "Rossiiskaya gazeta" and "Nezavisimaya gazeta")

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Lin' Fjej. Rol' pressy v formirovanii mediaobraza Kitaja (po materialam izdanij «Rossijskaja gazeta» i «Nezavisimaja gazeta») [The role of the press in shaping the media image of China (based on materials from Rossiyskaya Gazeta and Nezavisimaya Gazeta)] // Mediaskop. 2020. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2020.10


Use of Communication Capabilities of Internal Corporate Print Publications to Increase Staff Loyalty

Научные исследования: 


For citation: Volkova A.A. (2019) Ispol'zovanie kommunikatsionnykh vozmozhnostey vnutrikorporativnykh pechatnykh izdaniy dlya povysheniya loyal'nosti personala [Use of Communication Capabilities of Internal Corporate Print Publications to Increase Staff Loyalty]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2019.4


Agenda-Setting in Governmental and Private Newspapers of Cities with Population over Million in Russia

Научные исследования: 

For citation: Novak A.A. (2018) Povestka dnya v gosudarstvennykh i chastnykh izdaniyakh gorodov-millionnikov [Agenda-Setting in Governmental and Private Newspapers of Cities with Population over Million in Russia]. Mediaskop1. (in Russian). Available at:

Ethnic Periodicals in the Media Structure of Privolzhsky Federal District

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The development of the Women’s Press in Russia and Japan in the Early 20th Century

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Роль газет и журналов в повышении правовой культуры граждан России

Научные исследования: 

The role of Newspapers and Magazines in the Development of Legal Culture in Russia


Мартынкина Дарья Юрьевна
кандидат филологических наук, научный сотрудник кафедры истории и правового регулирования отечественных СМИ факультета журналистики МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова,

Daria Y. Martynkina
PhD in philology, Researcher at the chair of Russian Mass Media history and legal regulation, Faculty of Journalism, Moscow State University,


Научно-просветительские издания как типологическая ниша

Научные исследования: 

Popular Science Publications as a Typological Niche

Колоев Александр Сергеевич
аспирант кафедры периодической печати факультета журналистики Санкт-Петербургского государственного университета,

Aleksandr S. Koloev
PhD student at the chair of print journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Saint Petersburg State University,


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