For citation: Novgorodova A.I. (2020) Otrazhenie irakskih konfliktov v The New York Times (na primere osveshhenija dvuh operacij (1991, 2003 gg.) v Persidskom zalive) [Iraq Conflicts in Reflection of The New York Times (on the Example of Coverage of Two Operations (1991, 2003) in Persian Gulf].
For citation: Kornilova X.S., Gromova P.S.(2020) Auditorija rossijskih muzeev: harakteristika, tendencii i osobennosti razvitija [Audience of Russian Museums: Characteristics, Trends, and Features of Deveopment].
For citation:Islanova J.R. Migracionnyj krizis v Germanii: perehod na novuju stadiju (po materialam zhurnala Spiegel) [Migration crisis in Germany: shift to a new stage (on the materials of ‘Der Spiegel’ journal)].
For citation:Gavra D.P., Naumenko X.A. (2020) Koncept «mediasistema» v sovremennoj teorii massovyh kommunikacij [Concept of Media System in the Contemporary Mass Communication Theory]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
For citation:VihrovaO.Ju. (2020) SMI i informacionnaja bezopasnost' EAJeS [Media and Information Security in the EAEU]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
For citation: Vartanova E.L., Gladkova A.A. (2020) Cifrovoj kapital v kontekste koncepcii nematerial'nyh kapitalov [Digital Capital within the Context of the Intangible Capitals Concept]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
For citation: Blohin I.N., Alsalibi R.M.S. (2020) Еtnicheskie media v formirovanii adaptivnyh praktik immigrantov v rossijskom megapolise (na primere Sankt-Peterburga) [Ethnic Media in the Formation of Adaptive Practices of Immigrants in the Russian Metropolis (on the example of St. Petersburg)].
For citation:Babjuk M.I. (2020) K voprosu o chastnoj periodicheskoj pechati v SSSR v uslovijah 1920-h godov [Private Periodicals in the USSR in the 1920s]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
For citation: Alekseev K.A. (2020) Gazetnaja diskussija o neobhodimosti sorevnovanij kak jepizod bor'by za vlast' v sovetskoj fizkul'ture v seredine 1920-h godov [Newspaper Discussions about the Need of Competition as a Part of Power Struggle in Soviet Physical Culture in the Mid‒1920s]. Mediaskop 1. Available at: