For citation: Smeyukha V.V., Takayanagi S. (2016) Razvitie zhenskoy pressy Rossii i Yaponii v nachale XX v. [The development of the Women’s Press in Russia and Japan in the Early 20th Century]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
© Victoria V. Smeyukha
PhD, Professor, Head of Chair of Mass Communication and Applied Linguistics, Rostov State Transport University (Rostov-na-Donu, Russia),
© Satoko Takayanagi
PhD, Senior Lecturer, Research Fellowship of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Waseda University (Tokyo, Japan),
In a number of countries, a fast spread of the women’s press occurred early in the 20th century. Women’s periodicals appeared thanks to the development of education for women and the resultant emergence of the potential audience, popularization of women’s lib and the changing role of women in society. In Russia, the first women’s magazines came out towards the end of the 18th century, while in Japan they appeared late in the 19th century, and yet, early in the 20th century the women’s publications in the two countries turned out to be typologically similar in terms of function, structure, target audience and themes.
The aim of this paper is to define the conditions and factors which helped promote the development of the women’s press in Russia and Japan in that period, which implies study of its typology, themes, and the role of this media type in gender identification. To this end, the methods used in the study involved the history of typology, comparative typology and philology.
It was found out that the similarities in the women’s press development in Russia and Japan come from the development of cross-cultural communication. Fashion magazines and feminist publications is one result of the spread of Western cultural conceptions. At that, fashion magazines turned into an economically viable sector, which enhanced advertising communication and diffusion of consumer culture while feminist publications became an ideological media platform for topical trends towards solving the issue of women in society.
Key words: history of journalism, press, women’s magazine, gender, Russia, Japan
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