For citation: Rodchenko E.A. (2016) Diskurs-analiz integrirovannykh kommunikatsionnykh kampaniy [Discourse Analysis of the Integrated Communications Campaigns]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
© Eugenia A. Rodchenko
PhD student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Discourse as an integrated set of texts related to the same subject is a semiotic space, which includes verbal and nonverbal units. That implies its polycode nature. Such an important quality of the discourse as its polycode (or poly-semiotic) phenomenon brings it closer to the concept of Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) in which the general creative idea can be encoded in several formats and genres of advertisement at the same time.
The methodics of discourse analysis makes it possible to find a new way of looking at the stages of the formation of different types of text ads and PR-texts (text-planning theory) and at their perception and interpretation (integrative model of understanding). In this article the interrelation between the types of texts (in Gofman's interpretation) and the key features of brand personality (on Aaker's scale) are being researched for the first time.
Such a comparison allows to expand the research of Integrated Communications campaigns by analysing the type of context in which the communication occurs. That also makes it possible to decode the implication of advertising messages through the brand personality. The chosen methodics is to assist advertisers and PR-specialists in getting closer to their target audience by significantly simplifying the creation of the typical consumer's image in the typical context.
Keywords: Integrated marketing communications, discourse analysis, text-planning theory, integrative model of understanding, type of context, brand personality
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