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Media environment as a material and ideational dynamic system

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For citation: Zorin K. Media environment as a material and ideational dynamic system // Mediascope. 2024. 1. Available at:


© Kirill A. Zorin

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Russian State University for the Humanities (Moscow, Russia),



The article presents a synergetic view of the media environment as a material and ideational self-organising system. The search for new explanatory models is conditioned by the fact that mass communication is increasingly integrated with interpersonal communication, and new subjects of communication such as artificial intelligence are emerging. At the same time, many established concepts (for example, the media system) describe the realities characteristic of a mass society with its strict separation of types of communication, participants, and elements of material and informational nature. The analysis of old and new concepts used in Russian media studies shows that they describe new stages in the evolution of the same communicative system. The possibility of describing it through the concept of "communicative space", which is used in philosophical, sociological, cultural, linguistic studies and in urban studies.

On the basis of communication works on communicative space, the author describes the model of this material-ideational system. The following elements are singled out as its main elements. First: the place of interaction as a physical territory or space of the ideational plan. Second: subjects of interaction (people and social groups). Third: media (from literal, verbal to complex symbolic and technical). Fourth: knowledge and conventions (including social practices and institutions), which are both the subject of social interaction and the result.

Key words: media environment, media space, media system, communicative space, synergetic.



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