For citation: Gromova E., Ershov Yu. Representation of a laborer in the media of the Russian South // Mediascope. 2024. 1. Available at:
© Ekaterina B. Gromova
PhD in Philolgy, Senior lecturer at the Chair of Journalism, Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol (Sevastopol, Russia),
© Yury M. Ershov
Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Journalism, Branch of Moscow State University in Sevastopol (Sevastopol, Russia),
The topic of labor has undergone great changes since the times of the Soviet press, where it was one of the main ones. In the new era, journalists are more interested in status consumption and entertainment. Following journalists, media researchers are also losing interest in labor issues, as evidenced by the lack of monographs and dissertations on this topic. However, there are sociological studies of discourses about workers on Russian television channels and the printed press, as well as a large theoretical basis for understanding labor, starting with Adam Smith. In our study, we set the task of identifying the most frequent topics and problems, genre solutions and the author’s evaluative context in publications on the topic of labor in the media of the South of Russia (Volgograd region, Krasnodar region, Crimean Republic, Rostov region and Sevastopol). For this purpose, a content analysis of the eight most cited web resources of the listed regions and territories was carried out for 12 weeks (June - September 2023). The unit of research was a media text (a message in an online media news feed). The following categories of content analysis were included in the research codifier: subject/topic of publication; the author's position in relation to the subject of description; genre/format of information presentation. The study did not reveal much regional specificity in the representation of the working person, but did reveal the coexistence of two contradictory discourses: glorifying work and criticizing working conditions. In mass media, the most common problems are labor shortages and uncompetitive low wages. The most common genre solutions to the topic were market reviews and comments from experts. In features and other portrait formats, journalists talk about heroes who quit their previous jobs, change their place of residence and start doing what they love, finding happiness. But the heroes of publications can also be losers who haven’t found their dream job. Journalists in the regions record problems more than analyze the causes of their occurrence and options for solving them.
Key words: labor theme, discourse, media, image, content analysis
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