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Online video: theoretical approaches to studying the segment of the media industry

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For citation: Kovalenko E. Online video: theoretical approaches to studying the segment of the media industry // Mediascope. 2023.4. Available at:


© Elena I. Kovalenko

Editor at the Chair of New Media and Theory of communication, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



Transformation of the audiovisual segment of the Internet and the growing user demand for video content have formed the need for a more detailed study of it. The author makes an attempt to comprehend the theoretical and expert discourse devoted to the study of this segment. The article outlines the main stages of development of online video during the last decade, describes current practices of audio-visual content use in digital media. This review is the first stage of a comprehensive study, a starting point for further analysis of video content in the online environment.


Keywords: online video, digital video, visual turn, new media.



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