For citation: Sartakov E. Gogol’s obituaries in the Czech press // Mediascope. 2023.1. Available at:
© Egor V. Sartakov
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),
The article examines the Gogol’s obituaries published in 1852 in the Czech press. It is identified that the responses to the death of the Russian writer in the Czech press, which were published in large numbers and contained significant details about his life and death, became so important that they served as a reminiscent background for Gogol’s obituaries in Serbia. The source for the Czech obituaries were the letters of Gogol’s Moscow friend N. Berg to the Prague Slavist Václav Hanka, published in the Pražské noviny («Prague newspaper»), as well as Bulgarin’s articles in ‘Severnaya pchela’ (“Northern Bee”).
Key words: Gogol, Czech press, Václav Hanka, Nikolai Berg, Bulgarin
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