For citation: Muronets O., Zabelina Yu. Media communication of museums during the pandemic COVID-19: challenges and solutions // Mediascope. 2023. 1. Available at:
© Yulia A. Zabelina
Junior producer at ‘Eksmo’ Publishing (Moscow, Russia),
© Olga V. Muronets
PhD in Philology, Senior lecturer at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article examines the main formats of interaction between museums and the audience in social media during the period of lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. The article analyzes the experience of Russian museums working with social media, analyzes publications, and identifies the main trends in working with content, indicating their features. The research aims to demonstrate the main trends in the work of museums with social media during the period of distant work and compare them with the trends a year after the end of quarantine. The main statements can be used as a starting point for further theoretical research in the field of advertising and public relations in culture.
Key words: SMM in culture, Russian museums, social media, media communication, lockdown
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