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Dynamics of newsbreaks in media presentation of the problem of social orphanhood in 1990-2010

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For citation: Nurilova P. Dynamics of newsbreaks in media presentation of the problem of social orphanhood in 1990-2010. // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:


© Polina V. Nurilova

PhD student at the Chair of Digital Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article presents the results of a content-analytical research of the newsbreaks of journalistic materials on the topic of social orphanhood in six all-Russian newspapers in a dynamic aspect, reflecting the dynamics of coverage of the topic in one of the most relevant categories of analysis for its understanding over three decades. The text indicates the significance of referring to various types of newsbreaks, which the author associates with information sources and the participation of social actors in the development of a public issue. The analysis of newsbreaks contributes to the formation of the idea of how the general media transition of the topic of social orphanhood was in the Russian media, how changes in the balance of newsbreaks designate the development of an acute problem of social practice in Russian society. The article introduces the quantitative and the qualitative results of the research, general trends and specific experience of several Russian publications. The reference to newsbreaks and information sources from various research perspectives is assessed; examples of the most expressive headings reflecting the subject of the research are given.

 Keywords: social orphanhood, media transition, dynamic aspect, media presentation of social problems, newsbreaks



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