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Genre structure and principles of programming religious television in the USA and Russia (cases of TV channels TBN and ‘Spas’)

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For citation: Tsezarev A. Genre structure and principles of programming religious television in the USA and Russia (cases of TV channels TBN and ‘Spas’) // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:


© Anton I. Tsezarev

PhD student at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The article for the first time conducts a comparative analysis of major Christian TV channels TBN (USA) and «Spas» (Russia). As a result, their genre priorities and programming principles are determined. The obtained data allowed to identify shortcomings in the broadcast layout and features in the program content, such as the imbalance between thematic areas of broadcasting, a significant share of spoken content, the presence of which may be associated with a low viewer interest in religious television.


Key words: Christian television, Orthodox television, genres of religious television, television programming



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