For citation: Argylov N., Okhlopkova U. Features of using social media for advertising content on bloggers’ pages // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:
© Nikita A. Argylov
Head of the Department of communication and media, School of Arts and Humanities, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia),
© Uliana V. Okhlopkova
Senior lecturer at the Chair of Journalism, Faculty of Philology, Ammosov North Eastern Federal Uiversity (Yakutsk, Russia),
The article describes the activity of bloggers as active players of the regional media market: the features of using their accounts in the social network Instagram for the promotion of goods and services, the main customers of advertising, often used formats and tools, have been identified, with which authors create advertising content.
Key words: media market, social network, bloggers, advertising in social networks, regional advertising
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