For citation: Shvychenkova Yu., Kuglova L. Media mobile consumption of video content by Generation Alpha // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:
© Yuliya A. Shvychenkova
Research assistant at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), +79269192469, e-mail:
© Lyudmila A. Kruglova
PhD in Philology, associate professor at the Chair of Television and Radio Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia), +79161783703, e-mail:
The article presents the results of a study of mobile consumption of video content on the Internet by junior schoolchildren in Moscow. Based on a survey of 401 elementary school students of leading Moscow secondary educational institutions, an attempt was made to identify video consumption sites, activity in social media, content and thematic preferences, personalities, as well as the duration of contact with video material.
Keywords: Media Consumption, Video Content, Younger Schoolchildren, Audience Behavior, Video Consumption
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