For citation: El-Bakri T.V. Modern Development of Business Models of Russian Online Video Providers // Mediascope, 2021. 4. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2021.6
© Tatiana V. El-Bakri
Researcher at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Online video market has emerged on the Internet in the 2000s due to digital technology progress. Russia’s OTT market is characterized by a business model with main revenue based on advertising, paid content, and copyright assignment. Also, a non-market state-subsidized model is partially used. In 2018, online advertising has become the largest segment of Russian advertising market and has influenced all audiovisual production companies’ business models, therefore having created an opportunity for multi-platform content distribution and content production specifically for the OTT and Pay TV market. In 2018-2019, some of the largest Russian companies, such as Sberbank and Yandex, have entered the OTT market. These companies act as business ecosystems with a wide variety of consumer services to offer apart from video content. Traditional media holdings are another major player on the market, with television business as their focus. This transformation is followed by online video market’s transition to paid subscription as the most popular way of monetizing OTT services. Important trend is that cooperation of media companies is being increasingly established. This includes partnerships between large media holdings and production companies.
Keywords: business model, OTT market, OTT and Pay TV providers, monetization, online video.
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