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Vocational competencies of sports journalists and experts in the field of mass communications in sports

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For citation: Babyuk M., Ratskevich A., Vocational competencies of sports journalists and experts in the field of mass communications in sports // Mediascope. 2021. 3. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2021.4


© Maxim I. Babyuk

PhD in Philosophy, Associate Professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),

© Anastasia A. Ratskevich

Sports journalist, executive editor of ‘Sport-Express’ (Moscow, Russia)


The article attempts to analyze the nature of demand and specifics of the formation of vocational competencies in the field of sports journalism and mass communications in sports. Based on a fairly large-scale survey of representatives of sports media, as well as several interviews with specialists in this field, the authors list the most valuable skills and abilities in demand in the profession, highlight the main competencies required when entering the profession, as well as those obtained in the process of career growth.

The article also attempts to analyze the relevance of various creative, technical, and communication skills depending on the age characteristics of respondents. Given the large-scale changes in the profession that have occurred over the past decades, and the difference in individual and collective experience of different generations, this attempt was quite productive. It turned out that the value of certain professional competencies was perceived diversely by different generations of sports journalists.

Key words: sports journalism, sports, media, competenсies, skills



Interview with M. Maximov, editor-in-chief of ‘Sport-Express’, from the authors` archives

Top-20 of the most cited sports media – 2019. Available at: (accessed: 22.10.2020)

This average age was mentioned by several chief editors of sports media interviewed in the framework of the faculty research

Interview with the head of the football department of ‘Sport-Express’ V. Korotkin from the authors` archive



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