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The Role of the Third Congress of Press Workers in the Establishment of the Union of Journalists

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For citation: Zhirkov G.V. The Role of the Third Congress of Press Workers in the Establishment of the Union of Journalists // Mediaskop. 2020. 4. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2020.1


@ Gennadij V. Zhirkov
Doctor in Philology, Professor at the Chair of History of Journalism, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia),



The article deals with the organization and development of the Union of Journalists in the USSR in the period of the New Economic Policy; the role of the Third Congress of the Soviet Journalists (January 28 – February 2, 1922) in the establishment of the Union of Journalists and overcoming the press crisis. The author writes about the following problems: liberty of the press, criticism of Soviet authorities, role of the RCPb in controlling the press; press information from the Centre; reorganization of ROSTA; creation of system of journalistic education.

This article contains new historic materials. It has a documentary basis: the author uses documents, accounts and reports of Congresses of the Soviet Journalists, archival materials, documents of RCPB, reference book of 1920-s, periodical press («Isvestiya VTSIK», «Pravda», «Krasnaya pechat’», «Isvestiya TSK RCPb», «Journalist» and other).

The author considers that the Third Congress of Soviet Journalists had the main role in organization of the Union of Soviet Journalists.

Keywords: New Economic Policy, crisis, Union of Journalists, the Third Congress of Soviet Journalists, liberty of the press, RCPb, journalistic education



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