For citation: Zharovskij E.R. SMI Krymskogo poluostrova: territorial'naja specifika i tipologicheskie osobennosti [Media of the Crimean Peninsula: Geographical Specificity and Typological Features]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2020.2
@ Egor R. Zharovskij
PhD Student at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
This article is devoted to the research of the Crimean media system, which considers activity of editorial offices from the perspective of socio-economic geography as well as to disclose a whole diversity of media within the Crimean peninsula. The author undertook the study of media taking into account prominent changes in economy, living standards of local population, culture, tourism and the sphere of higher education which happened during the last years (2014‒2020). Topics of content and its target audience were used as basis for classification of Crimean media which were considered in local places: Simferopol, Crimean cities and urban villages, Sevastopol.
The author comes to conclusion that the media system of Simferopol is represented by editorial offices which produce mass, business, religious, literary, political, educational, scientific, esoteric print publications, broadcasting programs and texts on these themes in the Internet. Media of Sevastopol are less diverse, but there may be found editorial offices which cover such themes as society, politics, economy, culture, education, sport, healthcare, the Black Sea navy and international partnership. Finally, media in other Crimean towns and urban villages are commonly represented by municipal newspapers which seek to cover activity of local governmental bodies and daily routine of local residents.
Keywords: Crimea, territory, social and economic conditions, media, classification of media, media system.
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