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Copywriting Concept and Its Types

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For citation: Zhilina A.V. (2020) K voprosu o ponjatii kopirajting i ego vidah [Copywriting Concept and Its Types]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:


@ Anastasija V. Zhilina

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Staff Management and Advertising, Faculty of Economics and Management, Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute (technical university) (Saint Petersburg, Russia),



The article considers meanings of the term copywriting commonly applied in Russian marketing literature and by the specialists writing promotional texts in Russian. The author states that the term copywriting in Russian, similarly to the English one, refers to generating any texts promoting goods, services, ideas or persuading a person or group to take a particular action, to compare to exclusively creating advertisement texts as most common meaning used in Russia. The author comprehends the essence of the concepts "selling", "advertising", "PR text" and media text. Tends to synonymous use of the concepts of "advertising" and "selling" text based on the similarity of their goals and structures. As a result, the author comes to the conclusion that the term "promoting text" best demonstrates the scope of copywriting. Also in the article the typologies and classifications of promoting texts proposed earlier are considered, their substantial aspects are revealed, and put the question of search of the base the separation of types of promoting texts.

Keywords: copywriting, advertising text, media text, PR text, promoting text.



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