For citation: Kachanov D.G. (2020) Narrativnyj analiz kak metod issledovanija tradicionnyh i mul'timedijnyh zhurnalistskih proizvedenij [Narrative Analysis as a Research Method for Studying Traditional and Multimedia Journalistic Works]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.2.2020.5
@ Denis G. Kachanov
PhD program alumnus, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article presents the model of narrative analysis that can be used in media studies and in the research of multimedia journalistic projects in particular. This method uses the structural characteristics of the narrative. There are seven categories in this narrative model: narrator, subject (theme), plot, time, space, characters, conflict. Each category is divided into sub-categories. The following article describes different types of narrative analysis. The presented structure is based on the theory of narrative, the classical concepts of narrative and other models of narrative analysis used in various scholarly branches, such as humanities, including the study of media texts. The author sets presented model into the context of narratology by analyzing of previous models of narrative analyze and determines optimal categories of narrative for description of multimedia texts. As a result, the author proposes a new type of narrative analysis, which can be used to study multimedia journalistic projects and in media studies in general.
Keywords: narrative analysis, narrative, research methods in media studies, narrative journalism, multimedia projects, narrative elements.
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