For citation: Novgorodova A.I. (2020) Otrazhenie irakskih konfliktov v The New York Times (na primere osveshhenija dvuh operacij (1991, 2003 gg.) v Persidskom zalive) [Iraq Conflicts in Reflection of The New York Times (on the Example of Coverage of Two Operations (1991, 2003) in Persian Gulf]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2020.4
© Arina I. Novgorodova
PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
Throughout the history of the quality newspaper The New York Times, any change of publisher and editor has always led to certain changes in editorial policy and meant a change in the stages of the newspaper's evolution. The history of formation and development of The New York Times and the eponymous company are associated not only with changes taking place in the United States, but also with the development of technology. With new technologies and advertising revenue, The New York Times gradually moved to the international level. For 168 years, it has been considered the most respected and influential newspaper in the United States, The New York Times is cited as a source of reliable information and as a publication that reflects the position of the leading economic and political circles in the United States. References to the newspaper are often found in reviews of the world's media: Financial Times, Les Echo, Süddeutsche Zeitung and others. Today, The New York Times Company, which owns the newspaper of the same name, has become a multinational corporation. In 2019, The New York Times employs 1,600 journalists, staff speaks 55 languages, the newspaper has 150 million monthly global readers and 4.9 million subscriptions. According to comScore Media Metrix, about 87 million people visited The New York Times Digital via digital devices in the month of October 2019 alone.
Keywords: ‘Desert Storm’ operation, ‘Iraqi freedom’ operation, quality newspaper The New York Times, Middle East.
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