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Ethnic Media in the Formation of Adaptive Practices of Immigrants in the Russian Metropolis (on the example of St. Petersburg)

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For citation: Blohin I.N., Alsalibi R.M.S. (2020) Еtnicheskie media v formirovanii adaptivnyh praktik immigrantov v rossijskom megapolise (na primere Sankt-Peterburga) [Ethnic Media in the Formation of Adaptive Practices of Immigrants in the Russian Metropolis (on the example of St. Petersburg)]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2020.2


© Igor N. Blohin

Doctor of Political Science, Professor at the Chair of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communications, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia),


© Rivaa M. S. Alsalibi

PhD Student at the Chair of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communications, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg, Russia),



The aim of the work is to identify adaptive communicative practices in ethno-cultural communities of St. Petersburg. Adaptive communicative practices as a phenomenon of ethno-cultural interaction are the object of the study. The subject of the study is the following: specifics, forms and functions of communicative practices used in the adaptation of ethnic and cultural communities in the modern Russian metropolis. The empirical base consists of materials of ethnic and other mass media (forums and groups in social networks) that perform adaptation functions. Methodology of structural and functional analysis is used in the study, for the organization of the work the author used the comparative typological method; the collection of information was carried out using content analysis. It is revealed that all communities are characterized by a combination of four groups of adaptive practices – economic, cultural, social and psychological. In each group, there are components of media participation in the implementation of adaptive functions, such as regulatory, socializing, psycho-correctional and conducting to social mobility. The most effective platforms for productive information exchange in communities are social networks that replace traditional ethnic media. Communities that are oriented towards assimilation on the one hand, and segregation and production of values rejected by the host culture on the other, do not need media support. The activities of ethnic media can be successful in targeting communities that seek to preserve their own identity, using a number of normative and cultural adaptive practices approved by the urban majority. Adaptation occurs more effectively in communities that use practices of innovation and ritualism, as opposed to groups focused on conformist assimilation and conflict.

Keywords: ethno-cultural communities, social adaptation, communicative practices, ethnic journalism.



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