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Game Formats in Modern Foreign Online Media

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For citation: Krasheninnikova M.A., Zatsepilina Y.A. (2019) Igrovye formaty v sovremennyh zarubezhnyh onlajn-SMI [Game Formats in Modern Foreign Online Media]. Mediaskop4. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2019.4


© Maria A. Krasheninnikova
PhD in Philology, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of New Media and Communication Theory, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),

© Yulia A. Zatsepilina
Graduate of Master program 'Media communications in international relations', Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article explores the use of game formats in foreign online media. The game is considered as the basis on which the narration in new media is built. The analysis of the projects created on the basis of the game simulation, their classification and comparative characteristics allow us to identify the main features of gamification in the media. The study was conducted in order to demonstrate the advantages of using game formats in the media compared to traditional methods of presenting information.

As a part of the study, an analysis of the gaming paradigm was carried out in the materials of foreign online media, the concept of an interactive media space was identified, and provisions were made on the transition of traditional journalism formats to the latest gaming forms. The authors set a goal to consider the gaming paradigm as the basis of materials of foreign online media on the example of previously developed media games.

The empirical base of the research was the projects of foreign online media created using augmented and virtual reality technology, interactive longreads, news games, and tests. In total, the authors analyzed 50 different materials made in game formats.

Keywords: online media, game, format, new media.



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