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Professional Training of Journalists as Mediators of Financial and Economic Knowledge

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For citation: Vikhrova O.Yu. (2018) Professional'naya podgotovka zhurnalista kak mediatora finansovo-ekonomicheskikh znaniy [Professional Training of Journalists as Mediators of Financial and Economic Knowledge]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:

DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.4.2018.2


© Olga Yu. Vikhrova

PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



Mass media is one of the most accessible methods for improving financial literacy among adult population of the Russian Federation. However, to perform this function effectively journalists should have a sufficient level of economic knowledge, be able to assess the usefulness of an event for the population, and transform complex topics into a reader-friendly form. At the same time, unlike operational expert and professional oriented one, information should be provided in layman`s language.

In this article the author analyzes the actual level of journalists' training for the work with materials on financial and economic subjects and their readiness to improve financial literacy of the population by studying relevant education curricula of the major 42.03.02 "Journalism" realized in Russian institutions of higher education and by expert interviews.

Keywords: financial journalism, teaching business and economic journalism, media and financial literacy, financial education, journalism education and training



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