For citation: Serebryany R.A. (2018) Status Soyuza zhurnalistov Rossii v aspekte stanovleniya struktury sovremennogo mediamenedzhmenta [Status of the Union of Journalists of Russia in Respect of Transforming the Structure of Modern Media Management]. Mediaskop3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.16
© Roman A. Serebryany
PhD degree-seeking student at the Chair of Mass Communications, Philology Department, Russian University of Peoples` Friendship, Convener of the Union of Journalists of Russia (Moscow, Russia),
The article is devoted to substantiating the special status of the Union of Journalists of the Russian Federation in the aspect of transforming the structure of modern media management. Considering the main directions in the studies devoted to the specifics of modern management in the sphere of journalistic activity, the author determines the key criteria and parameters that determine the significance of the Union of Journalists of Russia for working out unifying principles for the direction of professional journalistic work. As a result of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that the participation of a certain unifying body can contribute to the development of common norms and rules that are common to the entire journalistic community, and regulatory recommendations on the management of the media, their editorial staff, journalists as creative personalities and their professional training. In the author's opinion, the special status of the Union of Russian Journalists in the current situation is determined by the possibility of uniting and developing a unified corporate position within the journalistic community with the aim of improving the quality of its activities and the development of self-government.
Keywords: media management, the Union of Journalists of Russia, journalism, professional association, self-regulation.
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