For citation: Polynov V.A. (2018) Indikatory otsenki deyatel'nosti informatsionnykh agentstv: klassika i sovremennost' [News Agencies and Their KPIs: Usual and Contemporary]. Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.3.2018.10
© Vasily A. Polynov
PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, chief communication officer in True Flip (Moscow, Russia),
The article is devoted to functioning of Russian national news agencies in the context of convergence. In pre-digital era, news agencies were "media for media", playing infrastructural role, which was hidden for observation and analysis. Conditions and activity core of the agencies have changed ultimately. The agencies today have their audience. Access to network space, direct access to mainstream audience, opportunity to organize a dialog and working cooperation with civilian sector strengthened agencies` positions as a flagship of the media space. News agencies` web sites are the most popular news resources on a network. However, principles, strategies, concrete cases are markedly different. The article describes the results of a study, conducted by the author in 2014−2017 by a special procedure, according to which there were recorded, analyzed and compared the main components of the national agencies` open practice (web sites) − MIA "Russia Today", Interfax Group, TASS. The author declares that each agency has its special policy in the network space, which is determined by the mission and conception of the agency. Window of new opportunity turned to be wide enough for the news agencies to use these opportunities in different ways. As a result, there were formed different principles of attitude to new resources and new models of NA web sites, as is evidenced by their quotation ratings.
Keywords: convergence, news agencies, vectors and levels of convergence, quotation ratings.
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