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Convergence in Advertising: Background, Origins, Forms

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For citation: Ziganshina A.A. (2018) Konvergentsiya v reklame: peredposylki, proiskhozhdenie, raznovidnosti [Convergence in Advertising: Background, Origins, Forms]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
DOI: 10.30547/mediascope.1.2018.4


© Anna A. Ziganshina

PhD-seeking student at the Chair of Advertising and Public Relations, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, copy-writer at the advertising agency Cheil Russia (Moscow, Russia),



In this work, we analyzed such a complex phenomenon as a convergence in advertising from its origins to the modern-day state and its forms. We argue that conceptually the phenomenon arose in the days of antiquity, it is continually evolving to the present. We discussed the concept of "market place" as a former concept for modern advertising practice. We also give examples of modern market places such as airports. The phenomenon of convergence has its different points, that is why we distinguish technological convergence and content convergence. We recognize the importance of myth in advertising and pay special attention to it in our article. The article will be interesting for advertising professionals and also a wide range of interested readers.

Keywords: convergence in advertising, technological convergence, content convergence.



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