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Special Features in Media Consumption of the Digital Generation of Russia

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For citation: Vyugina D.M. (2017) Osobennosti mediapotrebleniya tsifrovogo pokoleniya Rossii [Special Features in Media Consumption of the Digital Generation of Russia]. Mediaskop 4. (in Russian). Available at:



© Darya M. Vyugina

Lecturer at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article examines the media consumption of the digital generation in Russia: media devices preferences, sources of news information, entertainment and educational content. The empirical part is based on the results of the survey. The theoretical reference represents the basics of the generational theory and various terms used to introduce the object of research − the digital generation − young people born in the conditions of active development of digital technologies.

As a result, the main features of media consumption of the digital generation in Russia are the following. Its representatives choose the smartphone as a main media device and use it simultaneously with other media devices. It allows us to talk about the output of the "double screen" effect to a new level. Key information sources research shows that generation Z gets news content solely in the Internet, the main source of entertainment content is YouTube and the main type of preferable content is video.

The high level of technological literacy of digital generation members allows them to use the full range of Internet functions and its key services. It tends to be the main source of information and a platform for interaction of the Z's who set trends in media consumption and formulate new basic information needs.

Keywords: digital generation, digital natives, generation Z, media consumption.



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