For citation: Poluekhtova I.A., Ivchenko I.N., Ovchinskaya E.V. (2017) Struktura i soderzhanie utrennego shou na federal'nom telekanale (na primere programmy «Dobroe utro» na «Pervom kanale») [Structure and Content of a Morning Show on a Federal TV Channel (the case of the program Dobroye Utro on the Channel One)] Mediaskop 3. (in Russian). Available at:
© Irina A. Poluekhtova
Doctor of Sociology, Professor of the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, the Head of Department of Social Researches in Analytical Center NSK+ (Moscow, Russia),
© Irina N. Ivchenko
PhD Student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Correspondent for the Channel One (program Dobroye Utro (Good Morning)) (Moscow, Russia),
© Ekaterina V. Ovchinskaya
PhD-seeking student at the Chair of Sociology, Moscow University for the Humanities, Expert at the Department of Social Researches in Analytical Center NSK+ (Moscow, Russia),
The article presents the results of the research of structure and content of a morning show on a federal TV channel. The theoretical basis of the research is constructed of theories of TV genres, sociological conceptions of audience and TV consumption. The analysis of scientific publications revealed almost complete lack of empirical research of morning shows on Russian TV channels. This defined the research goal of the study - the analysis of format features of a morning TV show on a federal channel through the analysis of the audience, composition features and content (thematic) orientation. The program "Dobroye Utro"(Good Morning) of the "Pervyy kanal" (Channel One) was chosen for the case study.
The research methods are: quantitative (structural and topic-centric) content analysis of program releases; documentation analysis (editorial scripts of the program); secondary analysis of data of the audience sociological research.
The study revealed, that the composition of the morning show is defined by allocation of 3 times slots (early morning, prime morning, late morning); the structure of the show is shaped by the recurring information elements (newscasts, news pieces, sections, interviews with guests, etc.), which form blocks. Each content block has its own time on air; thematic focus of the pieces and other information elements is defined by the specificity of the morning audience and patterns of morning TV viewing; extra compositional and structural methods include regular features and recycling of news pieces (sections) during the program.
Keywords: television, morning show, format, audience, TV viewing.
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