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Media Capital and Its Structure

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For citation: Fomichyova I.D. (2017) Mediynyy kapital i ego sostav [Media Capital and Its Structure]. Mediaskop 2. (in Russian). Available at:


© Irina D. Fomichyova
Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article concludes the cycle of publications on the composition and functioning of intangible capital in the field of the media.

In the framework of the resource approach proposed by the author, media capital and its components are examined. Speaking about the functioning of intangible capital in the field of the media, the author emphasizes the existence of resources specific to the media field, which form media capital, which, in turn, is recognized as part of public capital. The latter refers to a variety of means (not just mass media) of exhibiting, acquaintance with the object of attention / announcement.

The author attributes information to the components of mass media as a resource that promotes the growth of various intangible capitals, primarily human and cultural; linking large dispersed audiences and thereby increasing their social capital; attention as the basis for information exchange between actors and as a resource with growing value in the face of increasing competing volumes of information; fame/publicity as a basis for the acquisition and accumulation of any of the resources functioning in the field under consideration; The importance and legitimacy of the object of media attention as a condition for the accumulation of symbolic capital by the actors.

The article focuses on the benefits that actors can get in competitive and non-competitive conditions. In the author's opinion, the exchange of capital rather makes the carriers non-competing beneficiaries of different, rather than the same, social roles in the field under consideration.

A number of examples show how the same actions in the media field (in particular, payability) can have different results for the accumulation of intangible capital.

Keywords: attention, publicity, authority, nonmaterial capitals; regularity, attention economy.



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