For citation: Kramer A.Yu. (2017) Radiozhurnalistika v epokhu konvergentsii [Radio Journalism in the Age of Media Convergence]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
© Alexander Yu. Kramer
PhD, Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Philology, Pushkin Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),
The article investigates a question of insistent resistance of journalism and particularly radio journalism to media convergence in the course of last twenty years. The theoretical framework of our study is based on the concept of the artifact / practice generative integrity (notably, any culture reproduce itself through artifact or practice; a practice reifying into an artifact, an artifact dis-reifying into a practice; the practice reified generate artifact, the artifact dis-reified generate practice). Any kind of journalism is a practice primarily, but almost all convergent processes in media are based on new artifacts, and these artifacts (devices) didn't change the core of journalism practices, but their parts only. Media technologies including media management or DIY were changed dramatically (see iXmP or transmedia or similar ones) and even the type of MMJ (multiskilled multimedia journalist) appeared in the long run, but specific 'journalist thinking' is still inviolable in spite of all these changes. The core essence of radio journalism (subject-matter dis-reifying in live broadcasting and in 'flow' perception) and the specific 'work of radio journalism' are inviolable too, thus it is possible that the 'post-digital' media philosophy is rather about 'trade dress of the tech rush' then about radio journalism.
Keywords: journalism, radio journalism, convergence, transmedia, crossmedia.
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