For citation: Fomichyova I.D. (2017) Resursnaya paradigma i nematerial'nye kapitaly v SMI [Resource Paradigm and Intangible Capital in Media]. Mediaskop 1. (in Russian). Available at:
© Irina D. Fomichyova
Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Sociology of Mass Communications, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
This article develops the topic raised in the previous publication (see Fomichyova I.D. (2015)
Sotsial'nyy kapital v pole SMI [Social Capital in the Mass Media Field]. Mediascope 1. (in Russian). Available at:
Following the previously considered social capital and keeping the conceptions of P. Bourdieu as a methodological basis, the author addressed other kinds of so-called intangible capital, their composition, social role and place in the functioning of the media. It is suggested that this approach be called resource mass media research. In this publication the topics under research are both intangible capital circulating in mass media in general and separately main kinds of it (accept social capital) - human, cultural, symbolic. The role of such capitals in different spheres of society is rising, especially in economics, due to the changes in transaction (facilitating interaction between actors) and transformational (food production) costs. In the case of mass media intangible resources should be viewed both as conditions for achieving economic goals and fulfilling social mission. Combination of material and immaterial resources, their exchange in mass media, allow combining care both for the "soul" and body of mass media.
Mass media are seen by the author as key parts of conversion in which constant exchange between material and immaterial capitals occurs between the actors of this sphere - society, governance, business and mass media. Resource approach proceeds from the fact that the same objective laws appear both in conditions and capabilities of intangible and material capitals. Multiple examples in media practice show how the immaterial capitals function in modern media.
The publication raises the question of the need of researching the structure and specificities of media capital itself and its unique the resources. Hence the object and subject of the next publication is defined (see Fomichyova I.D. (2017) Mediynyy kapital i ego sostav [Media Capital and Its Structure]. Mediascope 2. (in Russian). Available at:
Keywords: resource-based approach, human, cultural, symbolic, social, media, non-material capitals.
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