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Internet Mass Media of Italy in the Context of Digital Divide

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For citation: Urina N.V. (2016) Internet-SMI Italii v kontekste tsifrovogo neravenstva [Internet Mass Media of Italy in the Context of Digital Divide]. Mediaskop 3. Available at:


© Natalia V. Urina
PhD, Senior Researcher at the Chair of Foreign Journalism and Literature, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



Features of Italian digital inequality are considered in this article. Italy demonstrates a great lag both in infrastructure of the new generation high-speed broadband Internet access and in digital service field. The country index identified by a number of indicators is evidence of this. In connection with this the year 2002 programme documents "Guidelines for action of information society development" and the year 2012 "Italian digital programme" together with the year 2015 "Italian strategy of ultra-broadband communications", developed by Council of Ministers, are analyzed

Further media preferences of Italians, including representatives of political and financial and industrial elite, are revealed. Special attention is paid to Internet users and their age, social, professional and political characteristics. Features of using network resources as well as peculiarity and modification of Italian blogosphere and online-media are noted.

 Keywords: Italy, digital divide, blogosphere, online-media.



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Strategia italiana per la banda ultralarga. Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri [Italian Strategy of UWB. Council of Ministers Panel]. 2015. Rome, March 3.


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