For citation: Prasolova E.V. (2016) Mul'timediynaya istoriya v aspekte sovremennoy tekstologii [Multimedia History from the Perspective of Contemporary Textual Criticism]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
© Elena V. Prasolova
PhD student at the Chair of Mass Communications, Faculty of Philology, People’s Friendship University of Russia (Moscow, Russia),
The author identifies the key features of multimedia history as text of a new type from the perspective of text formation and functioning in today’s communication. Text integrality, cohesion and completeness are defined as the basic features of multimedia history which acquire a new dimension basing on the integrativeness characteristic of all multimedia texts on the internet since sign units in texts of the given genre belong to verbal and audiovisual systems in the static and dynamic forms. The author states that verbal and non-verbal discourses in multimedia history are closely intertwined and interact, prompting redistribution of meanings and functions as a result of superposition of information, analysis and persuasion.
Multimedia history significantly enhances the leading criteria of textuality such as informativeness, topicality, communicative character, intertextuality and the pragmatic attitude. Predicativity is defined by the verbal part of integrated text while temporality and modality are supported by illustrations. Multimedia history holds a great potential for creativity as it has to combine various means for presentation of meanings in the verbal, audio and visual formats.
Rather than be doubled information is diversified depending on sense and function, the verbal constituent containing evaluation while sound and sight carry emotion. The combination of multimedia history content and the general cultural context within which multimedia history is generated make this genre an unique carrier of cultural values.
Keywords: text, multimedia history, cohesion, integrality, completeness.
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