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The Strategy of Media for Children

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For citation: Alekseeva M.I. (2016) SMI: strategiya deystviy v interesakh detey [The Strategy of Media for Children]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:


© Marina I. Alekseeva

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Editing, Publishing and Information Science, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



The author’s brief survey of pre-Revolutionary journalism prompts the conclusion that Russia’s liberal-minded public actively promoted public interest information in periodicals for children.

During the Soviet period journalism for children played a most important role in moulding political views and world outlook of the coming generation. The 1920s is a special period in the history of Soviet children’s journalism, marked by the most significant advances in writing on science, art and literature as well as social life. Of particular note in this period is N. Oleinikov’s journalism featuring creative approaches which made his pieces comprehensible and exciting for children’s audience.

In the 1920s and 1930s Russia’s journalism for children showed a great diversity of genres and approaches, which is no longer true of today, when it doesn’t seem proper to address topical issues in writing for children and when some disparate attempts to do so look inept. There should be new ways to make children understand the past and what is going on in the country and the world.

The need for special training of the children’s media cadre is emphasized.

Keywords: journalism for children, public affairs themes, genres, state policy, cadre.



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