For citation: Marchenko A.N. (2016) Otnesenie k tsennosti zhurnalistiki: opyt prochteniya novoy knigi uchenogo (Retsenziya na uchebnoe posobie: Sidorov V.A. «Aksiologiya zhurnalistiki: uchebnoe posobie») [Attribution to the Value of journalism: the Experience of Perusal of a New Book Written by the Scientist (A review on the manual: Sidorov V. A. (2016) Axiology of journalism: manual. St. Petersburg: Petropolis Publ.)]. Mediaskop 1. Available at:
© Aleksandr N. Marchenko
PhD student at the Department of Theory of Journalism and Mass Communications, School of Journalism and Mass Communications, Saint Petersburg State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),
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