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Sports Media Texts in The Metropolitan Press of Russia in the Earlier Half of the 19­­th Century: Conceptual Characteristics and Thematic Transformation 

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For citation: Vojtik E.A. (2016) Sportivnye mediateksty v stolichnoy presse Rossii pervoy poloviny XIX v.: kontseptual'nye kharakteristiki i tematicheskie preobrazovaniya [Sports Media Texts in The Metropolitan Press of Russia in the Earlier Half of the 19­­th Century: Conceptual Characteristics and Thematic Transformation]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:


© Evgenia A. Vojtik

PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Broadcasting, Faculty of Journalism, Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russia),



This article is devoted to the study of conceptual characteristics of sports media texts from the standpoint of cognitive discourse. In determining the place of the sports theme in the system, it is necessary of the 19th-century media publications, consider its duality. In the study, it was found that the long media texts about sport in the earlier half of the 19th century, presupposed in-depth exposition. Their priorities were bringing sports subjects into focus for the contemporaries, and expression of the author's assessment of sport as an emerging phenomenon. This was achieved thanks to the presentation of both objective and subjective picture of the situation of sports events; thought-out construction of the semantic level combinations, making the text understandable to the readers; the introduction in the media text of a number of semantic dominants (conceptual, phonosemantic, or, in some cases, emotional (to create a bright image of sports events)); dynamic narrative. But with all the positive characteristics, there are also some drawbacks. Such media text often teetered on the brink of documentary and fiction, due to highlights embellished by the journalist, at the expense of credibility of the described items of sporting events.

 Keywords: sports, journalism, sports information, periodicals.



Slovar' Akademii Rossiyskoy [A Dictionary of the Russian Academy]. St. Petersburg, 1806, Vol. 1.

Patriot. 1804. V. 4.

Otechestvennye Zapiski [Homeland Notes]. 1820. No 2.

Severnaya Pchela [Bee of the North]. 1828. No 48, 21 April.