For citation: Seliverstova L.N., Levitskaya A.A. (2016) Vliyanie deyatel'nosti mediakritikov Shveytsarii na kachestvo SMI [Influence of Media Critics on Media Duality in Switzerland]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
© Lyudmila N. Seliverstova
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Humanities, Taganrog Management Institute (Taganrog, Russia),
© Anastasia A. Levitskaya
PhD, Associate Professor at the Chair of Humanitites, Taganrog Management Institute (Taganrog, Russia),
Activities of the outstanding Swiss media critics who have made a significant contribution to the quality of journalism are described. Here are R. Stadler, editor of the Neue Zürcher Zeitung, G. Hoechly, the former editor-in-chief of the St. Galler Tagesblatt and president of the Swiss Union of Media Criticism, and K. Imhof, professor of Zürich University. A relatively small media market of Switzerland is controlled by three big media producers, such as the joint-stock companies Tamedia AG and Ringier AG, and the media group NZZ-Mediengruppe. Already in 2013 these owned 78% of the print media market and 53% of online resources. Naturally enough, concentration and tenor disagrees with the position held by the company. The case of the Swiss media critics is taken up to show how media critics, including journalists, editors and researchers promote public confidence, observance of ethical norms by content producers and attainment of higher information product quality.
Keywords: media criticism, journalism, quality media, Switzerland.
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