For citation: Klyuchkovskaya L.A. (2016) Tridtsat' let s «Severnoy pcheloy» (S. M. Usov – avtor gazety F. V. Bulgarina i N. I. Grecha) [Thirty Years Together with the ″Bee of the North″: S.M. Ussov as a Contributor to the Paper Published and Edited by F. V. Bulgarin and N. I. Grech]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
© Larissa A. Klyuchkovskaya
Researcher at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University, (Moscow, Russia),
The paper deals with the contribution of S.M. Ussov (b. 1797 – d. 1859), the agronomist, professor of agriculture at St. Petersburg University and editor of ″The Agricultural Newspaper″ (1834−1852) and ″The Agent of Industry, Economy and Real Sciences″ (1840−1856), to the newspaper ″Bee of the North″ in the 1830s to the 1850s.
S. Ussov’s relations with ″The Bee of the North″ editors and publishers N.I. Grech and F.V. Bulgarin are discussed with the emphasis on the role played by N. Grech in S. Ussov’s journalist career. Collaboration of S. Ussov’s sons Pavel, editorial secretary, Pyotr, engineer, and Mikhail, lawyer, with the newspaper produced by F. Bulgarin and N. Grech in the course of the 1850s is described.
The greater part of the study is a review of S. Ussov’s contributions in economy, dealing with industrial development, agriculture, transport, entrepreneurship, trade and finance, and on natural science, including such subjects as preservation of natural wealth and meteorological observation.
The genre diversity of S. Ussov’s pieces which included travel notes, letters to the editor, reviews, comments, etc. and his ability to write simply on different subjects are noted.
The conclusion is that S. Ussov was a regular contributor, and that in the course of three decades he was the newspaper’s expert on a broad range of issues who wrote with knowledge, authority and striving for the benefit of society.
It appears worthwhile to continue the study of the economic component of the newspaper in the 1830s-1850s, which is little known at present.
Keywords: S.M. Ussov, N.I. Grech, F.V. Bulgarin, the circle of ″The Bee of the North″writers, economic and natural-science themes in the newspaper between the 1830s and the 1850s.
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Klyuchkovskaya L.A. (2014) «Deyatel'nyy i prosveshchennyy sotrudnik» (P.S. Usov v «Severnoy pchele» F.V. Bulgarina i N.I. Grecha (1849−1859 gg.)) [“Active and Educated Contributor” (Pavel S. Usov in the Severnaya Pchela newspaper by Faddei V. Bulgarin and Nikolai I. Grech (1849−1859))]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:
Klyuchkovskaya L.A. (2012) Stepan Mikhaiovich Ussov as the Editor of the Agricultural Newspaper (1835−1852). Moscow: Faculty of Journalism, Moscow St. Univ. Pub.