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Russian PR Market in Times of Crisis: Volume, Entities, Specializations

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For citation: Shilina M.G. (2016) Rynok PR-uslug v Rossii v period krizisa: ob"em, sub"ekty, spetsializatsii [Russian PR Market in Times of Crisis: Volume, Entities, Specializations]. Mediaskop 2. Available at:


© Marina G. Shilina

Doctor of philological sciences, Associate Professor at the School of Integrated Communications, Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, National Research University – Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia),



Despite the economic crisis PR market becomes a significant segment of Russian economy, and demonstrates a positive trend of development. The article presents a study of the basic characteristics of Russian PR-agencies market in 2007−2015. The author describes this sphere of services as a growing one. The trends of PR in Russia are traditionally associated with a marketing component. However, recorded growth of strategic specializations, such as external relations and GR, financial communications and investor relations, geobranding are similar to those of developed industries, and it should positively affect both the market of PR and the industry as it is.

Keywords: public relations, creative entity, the market, the budget, the economic crisis, PR-service.



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