For citation: Melikova I., Gerasimova A. ‘Women’s issue’ in the magazine ‘Women’s friend’ (1882–1884) // Mediascope. 2024.2. Available at:
© Irina A. Melikova
Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
© Anna V. Gerasimova
PhD student at the Chair of History of Russian Literature and Journalism, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article thoroughly analyses the content of the magazine ‘Drug zhenshchin’ (Women’s Friend) by M. Boguslavskaya (1882–1884), its structure and significance, taking into account the historical context. The position of the magazine on determination of women’s role in the early 1880s is covered. Polemics with a number of periodicals is mentioned. The issue of evolution of women’s magazines in the second half of the 19th century is addressed.
Key words: ‘Women’s friend’, Boguslavskaya, women’s issue, women’s education, literature for women, women’s rights, female labour, women’s magazine
Drug zhenshchin. 1882. No 10. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1882. No 2. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1883. No 1. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1883. No 2. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1883. No 4. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1883. No 5. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1883. No 6. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1884. No 2. (In Russian)
Drug zhenshchin. 1884. No 3. (In Russian)
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