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Russian sports media on social networks: changing the tools in the context of the current geopolitical crisis

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For citation: Shvykov D. Russian sports media on social networks: changing the tools in the context of the current geopolitical crisis // Mediascope. 2024. 2. Available at:


© Dmitry O. Shvykov

Head of SMM department at, Rambler&Co (Moscow, Russia),



The article provides an overview of the changes that have occurred in the strategies of the leading Russian sports media (Match TV, Сhampionat, on social networks since February 24, 2022. The data collected demonstrated that media have had its own view on social media presence under restrictions, as well as its own specific tasks and anti-crisis actions. These actions reflected the political and business interests of the larger core business. Approaches to the selection of social platforms for further activities have determined two opposite trends. The first one is the movement towards technological independence, the transition to domestic platforms. The second trend is comeback to the platforms that are affected by restrictions. It was also found that in addition to legislative restrictions and restrictions from the platforms, there was a third type of restrictions – in-house. These are restrictions accepted inside the companies.


Key words: social networks, media on social networks, banned social networks, geopolitical crisis.



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* Owned by Meta, company banned in Russia