For citation: Shulga M. Main landmarks of ‘Kultura’ outlet development (1929–2019) // Mediascope. 2024. 2. Available at:
© Mark S. Shulga
PhD student at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),
The article presents a study of the Russian periodical "Kultura" (Culture). This periodical is one of the oldest existing ones in Russia. It produces journalistic materials mainly about culture and art and to a lesser extent about politics, economy and social issues. A comprehensive study of the issues of this periodical has been undertaken using various research methods, including the sociological method of content analysis. This scientific article presents the periods of development of "Kultura" and the dynamics of its content. The study showed that the periodical "Kultura" has undergone many changes over the 90 years of its existence from 1929 to 2019, but it remains the same for a number of genres, content-thematic, functional indicators. The results of the study allowed us to gain valuable theoretical and practical knowledge about the features of specialized periodicals about culture.
Keywords: Culture, journalism, media research, content analysis, periodicals
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