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Development of Audiovisual Content in Russia and Abroad in the Context of Media Digitalization in the 2000s-2020s

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For citation: El-Bakry T. Development of Audiovisual Content in Russia and Abroad in the Context of Media Digitalization in the 2000s-2020s // Mediascope. 2024. 2. Available at:


© Tatiana V. El-Bakry

Researcher at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



Digitalization of both global and national media, including Russian media, opened up great prospects for audiovisual production, which was made possible by the growth of film and television and the appearance of new types of content, such as video content for social media, video games, VR, AR, etc. Social media granted content consumption a social function and became a powerful video content distributor alongside with social messengers. Video games also have this interactive function, and this has caused their explosive growth in popularity as a social practice in most countries. These days, video is the type of content most popular with consumers worldwide. And due to the bulk of advertising budgets shifting from television to digital, commercial video production is on the rise. Video advertising generates more than half of the revenue of the global OTT platforms. Video marketing has become an essential area of companies’ activities. Professional audiovisual content production has increased considerably due to OTT services launching their own production. This has turned worldwide OTT services into major global film and series producers and has promoted the growth of streaming platform revenues in Russia. The trends listed above show the complicated transformation processes that audiovisual production has undergone because of media digitalization.


Keywords: film and television production, audiovisual industry, digital transformation, video content, OTT services.



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