For citation: Tyshetskaya A. Digital platforms and modern media communications: current research approaches // Mediascope. 2020. 4. Available at:
© Anna Yu. Tyshetskaya
PhD in Philology, Director at National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’ – Saint Petersburg (St. Petersburg, Russia),
The present article analyzes conceptual and methodological boundaries of the research field of studying a digital platform as a media phenomenon. Based on the analysis of the most significant theoretical works, in which a platform is the research subject, the interdisciplinary approach of its studying is justified, namely, featuring methodological and conceptual apparatus of three subject areas: media communications, economics and sociology. The article also presents the analysis of articles researching a platform and effects of its influence on various aspects of life of the society and media environment, which were published in the most cited periodicals of the core of the RSCI in the above mentioned subject areas in the past five years.
Key words: digital platform, media communications, digital media, social media, network effect
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