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Audio storytelling today

Научные исследования: 


© Aleksander N. Nazaikin

Doctor of Philology, Professor at the Chair of Media Theory and Economics, Faculty of Journalism, Lomonosov Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia),



This article is devoted to the use of audio storytelling in modern communication. Based on the analysis of the market situation, the types of audio storytelling are identified, verbal, musical and verbal audio storytelling practiced on the radio, in podcasts and audio books, as well as audio storytelling as part of multimedia storytelling, and a development forecast are given. The introduction notes the relevance of studying modern audio storytelling. The main sections consider the technological prerequisites for the development of audio storytelling, the factors that determine its effectiveness, highlight the main types of audio storytelling (independent and audio creolized), consider such subspecies as verbal, musical and verbal-musical audio storytelling. Special attention is paid to audio storytelling on the radio, in podcasts and audio books, as well as audio storytelling as part of multimedia storytelling. Analyzing the development of audio storytelling, the author comes to the conclusion that they began to pay special attention to it only in the late 20th century, after there was an interest in, in fact, storytelling, and the range of possibilities for the distribution of an audio signal expanded. It is noted that: the main consumers of audio stories are women; audio storytelling is subject to both general and specific requirements for any type of storytelling; audio storytelling is increasingly becoming part of multimedia storytelling; audio storytelling continues to develop in traditional content niches (literature, journalism, music) due to new technical opportunities (podcasting, streaming).

This paper attempts to analyze the state of modern audio storytelling, as well as its classification.

Keywords: audio storytelling, storytelling, communication, radio, podcast



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