© Ekaterina A. Ilner
PhD, Associate Professor, Chief Librarian of the Department of scientific and methodological work at the Zhdanov Zonal Scientific Library, Executive Secretary of the Media Centre, Ural Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia), ek.berezovskaya@urfu.ru
The article is devoted to the changes in the librarians’ activity caused by approving and introducing the professional standard “Specialist in library and information activity” and development of information technologies. These are mainly the competences required to perform the job function “Maintenance of library sites / portals, network social services” (paragraph 3.5.1 of the professional standard).
To prepare the paper, we have studied the materials posted by the libraries of the Russian leading universities (top-10 RAEX-100 2022) in the social media “VKontakte” for their compliance with media texts parameters. The analysis was aimed at determining the level of competence development of the specialists keeping accounts as well as at identifying possible gaps and formulating recommendations on advanced training of the librarians maintaining sites / portals, network social services for further designing of relevant programs.
The analysis was based on the author’s methodology combining principles of semiosociopsychology, linguistic pragmatics, theories of textual activity and communication, psychology of reading, media linguistics, PR, etc.
Keywords: PR media text, promotion, university libraries, social networks, media linguistics.
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