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PR of public administration in the context of digital transformation

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For citation: Kulakovsky R. PR of public administration in the context of digital transformation // Mediascope. 2023.2. Available at:


© Roman K. Kulakovsky

PhD in Political Sciences, Associate Professor at Siberian State University at Telecommunications and Information Science, Head of Press Service of the Government of Novosibirsk Region (Novosibirsk, Russia),



The article explores the experience of developing a public relations system in public administration in the context of digital transformation based on the theoretical provisions and regional practice of one of the subjects of the Russian Federation – the Novosibirsk region. The author concludes that public relations in the context of digital transformation open up some opportunities for public administration and are an important factor in the further development of digital services in the interests of citizens.


Keywords: digital transformation, public relations, management, communication, region



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