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Series as a media text: problematic aspects

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For citation: Kudrina L. Series as a media text: problematic aspects // Mediascope. 2022. 3-4. Available at:


© Lada V. Kudrina

PhD in Philology, Associate Professor at the Chair of Journalism and Literary Education, Pushkin Leningrad State University (St. Petersburg, Russia),



Being a young science, media linguistics naturally continues to expand its boundaries. At the center of this new science is the media text and the language of mass communication. In a broad sense, any media product can be considered a media text.

Various studies of the media sphere and monitoring of media consumption show the popularity of such a genre as TV series. In this regard, the television series and its varieties are of particular interest. At the same time, a review of the scientific literature showed an insufficient degree of elaboration of this topic.

Considering only the main provisions on the semiotics of cinema, the author pays special attention to speech as the main direction of media linguistics. The article attempts to analyze the verbal codes of such a creolized media text as a TV series.


Keywords: media text, TV series, mass media, language, media linguistics.



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