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Perception of Gogol’s art in feuilletons by F. Volkhovsky in ‘Sibirskaya gazeta’

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For citation: Mazurov A. Perception of Gogol’s art in feuilletons by F. Volkhovsky in ‘Sibirskaya gazeta’ // Mediascope. 2022. 1. Available at:


© Alexander E. Mazurov

PhD student, Chair of Russian literature, Philological Faculty, National Research Tomsk State University, (Tomsk, Russia),



The article examines the perception of Gogol’s works in feuilletons of F. Volkhovsky in «Sibirskaya Gazeta» (Siberian newspaper), to identify parallels, references, borrowing satirical techniques and manner of narration. Most of Volkhovsky's feuilletons had a documentary basis, which was created as a result of working with facts obtained from various sources. Feuilletons processed into fabulous and fantastic material could reveal the contradictoriness and depravity of the pre-revolutionary Siberian reality. Referring to the works of N. Gogol, Volkhovsky seems to be comparing the purity of the Cossacks and farm life with the existing order. An appeal to fantastic plots allowed the author to bypass censorship restrictions and bring up important social problems for discussion: readers of «Sibirskaya Gazeta» easily deciphered allegories and replacements, recognizing real characters in imaginary ones represented by witches and demons. Thus, the tale, typologically ascending to Gogol, is an integral part of Volkhovsky's feuilleton world, stretching in space and time. Feuilletons «Sibirskaya Gazeta» provide a rich material for the study of the interaction of literature and journalism.


Keywords: N. Gogol, F. Volkhovsky, perception, feuilleton, «Sibirskaya Gazeta»



N.V. Gogol'. (1831) Vechera na khutore bliz Dikan'ki. [Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka]. Available at:

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1882. No 47 (52).

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1882. No 50 (52).

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1882. No 50, 51, 52.

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1883. No 1 (52).

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1883. No 19 (52).

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1883. No 44 (52).

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1883. No 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 25, 28, 35, 37, 39, 42, 45.

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Sibirskaya gazeta. 1884. No 22 (52).

Sibirskaya gazeta. 1884. No 28 (52).

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